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About Me


My name is Mary Jo Ayllon. I am a Licensed Professional Counselor in Georgia, and a Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor in North Carolina. I have been practicing counseling for 10 years. I have a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology from the University of Missouri, and a Master's of Arts in Counseling from Covenant Theological Seminary. I have been married to my husband, Pablo, for 15 years and we have 3 children. 


I love stories, whether it is books, movies, or talking to people and hearing about experiences. Through stories we feel connected, we learn, and we grow. My own story is one with many ups and downs, laughter, tears, and suspense, but through it all I see God's good and guiding hand, even in leading me to become a therapist. He is the writer of my story, and as his child, I know there is love and redemption on every page. 


My story has also shown me that I don't know everything, and I don't get things right every time. I've learned the importance of listening and being open to learning new things. If I am ever blessed to hear some of your story, my hope is to listen well and learn about life from your perspective. 


I have also learned that laughter, at the right time and in the right measure, can often have a healing effect. I have always loved to laugh. Laughter is for our souls like sunshine and water to a growing flower- it warms it, feeds it, and makes it grow. Or, as Proverbs 17:22 tells us "a joyful heart is good medicine."


Thank you so much for taking the time to read more about me! 



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